Sunday Mornings at 10 AM ~ In-Person and Online

Truth is one and eternal. Realize oneness with it in your deathless Self, within.” Thus begins our weekly reading from Swami Kriyananda’s Rays of the One Light, which offers commentaries on the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

The minister then offers an inspirational talk, exploring the ideals from the reading—including soul-expansion through meditation, selfless service, and devotional self-offering. The services incorporate prayer, chanting, and music to awaken the inner joy of the soul.

This is followed by The Festival of Light—a poetic ceremony celebrating the journey of the soul to Self-realization.

Ananda Sunday service are available in-person or on our YouTube Channel.

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Sunday Service with Suryadas and Chandi: Deeds Vs Intentions

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

To wish harm to another creature is to deny in oneself the reality of that divine life of which all of us are manifestations.

Join Nayaswamis Suryadas and Chandi as they share with us the importance of overcoming harmful desires on the spiritual path.

Sunday Service with Devaki and Michelle: To Each According to His Faith

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

Whatever there is in you of darkness or light, offer it up to the heights. In the Supreme Light alone will we find salvation.
Join Dharmadas and Nirmala this Sunday as they share with us how to open ourselves to our highest potential.
Join Devaki and Michelle this Sunday as they teach us the best way to pray.

Sunday Service with Dharmadas and Nirmala: Who is the Son of Man?

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

What did Jesus mean when he said, “The Son of Man must be lifted up”? What does it mean to be awake in God, and how can we, too, awaken to that reality?
Join Dharmadas and Nirmala this Sunday as they explore the awakening of Christ Consciousness that will one day unfold within each of us.