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Fire and Purification Ceremonies

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova

Watch on YouTube Join us each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for the fire ceremony, followed by meditation and the purification ceremony. Through these sacred rituals, we have an opportunity to cleanse our hearts of all impurities and dedicate our lives more fully to God. In the Fire Ceremony, we offer our lives to God through two ancient sacred mantras: ... Read More


Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova

Join us for our annual Easter Sunday celebration! We'll gather outside the Master's Kitchen at noon for our Easter Egg Hunt, followed by a community potluck at 12:15 PM. Bring your family and enjoy a peaceful afternoon with your Ananda friends. Menu Nutloaf Vegan Vegetarian Quiches Au Gratin Potatoes Vegan Potatoes Glazed carrots Roasted Asparagus Spring Salads with assorted vegetables Sparking ... Read More