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All-Day Easter Meditation (In-Person and Online)

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

In 1931, Yogananda started the tradition of an 8-hour meditation just before Christmas to celebrate the awakening of the Christ Consciousness within. Several years ago, Dharmadas and Nirmala started the tradition of having an all-day Easter meditation as well. We hope you can join us for this opportunity to join your spiritual family in diving deep into the presence of ... Read More

Easter Sunday Service with Dharmadas and Nirmala

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

Salvation is found in the spirit, not the letter of the law. We find fulfillment and freedom through openness to higher consciousness and through expressing that higher reality in our actions.

Join Dharmadas and Nirmala this Sunday as they share with us about the Spirit that is needed on the path.