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Ananda Worldwide Outreach Satsang with Erin, Shyama, and Kevala from Ananda Village

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

Join us for an inspiring presentation about Ananda's global outreach work by Erin, Shyama, and Kevala from Ananda Village. Snacks will be served between the service and presentation. Ananda is a global movement of more than 140,000 people dedicated to Self-realization. Based on the mission and teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda to unite the spiritual wisdom of the East with the ... Read More

Sunday Service with Suryadas and Chandi: Deeds Vs Intentions

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

To wish harm to another creature is to deny in oneself the reality of that divine life of which all of us are manifestations.

Join Nayaswamis Suryadas and Chandi as they share with us the importance of overcoming harmful desires on the spiritual path.

All-Day Easter Meditation (In-Person and Online)

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

In 1931, Yogananda started the tradition of an 8-hour meditation just before Christmas to celebrate the awakening of the Christ Consciousness within. Several years ago, Dharmadas and Nirmala started the tradition of having an all-day Easter meditation as well. We hope you can join us for this opportunity to join your spiritual family in diving deep into the presence of ... Read More

Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck

Ananda Temple 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

Join us for our annual Easter Sunday celebration! We'll gather outside the Master's Kitchen at noon for an Easter Egg Hunt, followed by a community potluck at 12:15 PM. Bring your family and enjoy a peaceful afternoon with your Ananda friends. Menu Nutloaf Vegan Vegetarian Quiches Au Gratin Potatoes Vegan Potatoes Glazed carrots Roasted Asparagus Spring Salads with assorted vegetables Sparking ... Read More

Women’s Overnight Retreat at the Forest Hermitage with Lilavati, Elaine and Chandi

Ananda Sacramento Forest Retreat (Carpool from temple - address below) 10450 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States

Participate in intimate discussions, practice yoga and meditation, enjoy a nutritious lunch, and learn new tools for self-care. All of this will take place in the calm, restful ambiance of a gathering of like-minded women and the glorious natural surroundings of the foothills at our Forest Hermitage. “The Forest Hermitage is a magical place for all of us. The retreats ... Read More

$45 – $100