What is your posture? Not just your physical posture, but your mental and psychological posture? It all fits together! In today's Do This Today episode, Dharmadas quotes from Swami Kriyananda's book: Living Wisely, Living Well (text below) and addresses various aspects of how we hold ourselves and how we can become more aware of how the energy moves or doesn't in our bodies and lives.
#SwamiKriyananda #DoThisToday #LivingWisely #AshtangaYoga #PostureofLife
February 5:
Mental attitudes are often reflected in bodily positions. Do you lean habitually forward, as if to grasp at events before they happen? Do you lean backward, as if to distance yourself from others or from some unpleasantness? Do you tend to lean sideways, as if to find a strategy for getting around some obstacle? Keep your bodily and mental posture upright, relaxed, and serene. You'll find it relatively easy, then, to cope with any difficulties that confront you.