YouTube The first step towards world peace starts within each individual. And outer harmony begins with inner harmony, within oneself. Nirmala talks about ways that we can cultivate inner harmony and peace within ourselves so that it radiates outwards into everyone and everything around us. #InnerHarmony #HarmoniousRelationships #Yogananda #Kriyananda #Connection 12 0 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 How to Cultivate Harmonious Relationships: Part 1 Ananda Sacramento 143 views February 5, 2021 6:46 pm In this world of delusion it’s natural to reach outside ourselves to try to find happiness. The reality is that nothing in this world lasts, and no one can make us truly happy ~ its up to us to decide to be happy ourselves; to make inner peace our “bottom line.” #InnerPeace #HarmoniousRelationships #Yogananda #SwamiKriyananda #GoInside #JoyIsWithinYou 3 2 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS4yODlGNEE0NkRGMEEzMEQy How to Cultivate Harmonious Relationships: Part 2 Ananda Sacramento 69 views February 8, 2021 7:44 pm Keep your mind elevated in all circumstances, not giving in to heavy consciousness. Ever affirm: “I am the soul! I am not this body!” A key to transcending the ego is to learn to laugh from the fullness of your heart! Engage in this world with joy and laughter ~ not laughing AT others, but rather sharing in joy. 2 0 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5 Laugh with Others not at Them Ananda Sacramento 33 views August 24, 2021 1:34 pm Kind words can shape a person’s life, as can hurtful words. Which would you rather give, hurtful words or kind words? From the fullness of your heart give appreciation, and make acts of kindness a hallmark of your life. In this way you can expand your sense of identity, and help to transcend the ego. 5 1 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS41MjE1MkI0OTQ2QzJGNzNG Be Generous in your Appreciation Ananda Sacramento 45 views August 23, 2021 1:41 pm The way to live in this world is to try to serve God in every person we meet, in every situation. If we try always to humbly act as God’s instrument in this world, we can do His will, and help people in countless ways. 7 0 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS4wOTA3OTZBNzVEMTUzOTMy Give Respect to All Ananda Sacramento 69 views August 21, 2021 2:55 pm If we are “hell-bent” on asserting our will to make something happen, or if we are resigned to letting others run roughshod over us ~ neither of these two extremes will bring us happiness. Instead, let us simply share with others. We need to own ourselves, and at the same time listen intuitively to others. In this way we can hear the whisperings of the soul; and know the right course of action in every circumstance. 5 0 YouTube Video UEw2aDVDaXZacUVYSGlOREJQZUFxWlVTREU5dUI3Y2tiYS4xMkVGQjNCMUM1N0RFNEUx Sharing with Others Ananda Sacramento 65 views August 19, 2021 12:02 pm